Ang-Blog Buzz

Friday, December 28, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Aiden Bryce

This is Aiden's first birthday cake. It was white cake with white frosting. Not as fun as chocolate would have been but we wanted his sister to have a piece of his first cake. Next year, she is on her own!

Okay, so where is it? I WANT CAKE!

"...very interesting..."

"I have waited for a year for this and it is GREAT!"

"I just can't seem to get enough in my mouth. Maybe if I use the palm of my hand I can cram more in."

"Ahhhh, where did all the frosting go?"

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas 2007

Making Christmas Cookies for Santa!

Hurry to bed because Santa's on his way.

Our new Christmas Tree we bought at our annual trip to Bronners.

Aiden's first Christmas!!!!!!


Saturday, December 15, 2007


Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Alecia - TinkerHell
Alec - SWAT
Aiden - Frog
Aliyah - Little BoPeep (Alecia's Friend)
Samantha - Grim Reaper (Alecia/Alec's Friend)


Monday, August 27, 2007

Kolhoff Family Vacation

This year's summer vacation was made up of several small day trips. Mark and I were not up to traveling overnight with all the of baby paraphernalia that you must take. We went to the Detroit Zoo, A Renaissance Festival, Holland -- The Dutch Village and Lake Michigan. We all had a good time. Aiden was wonderful for being so young and having his first road trip!


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Chillin' at Great Gma's Pool

I am sitting with my Great Auntie Brenda enjoying the warm water.

This is Aiden taking a siesta. I only added this picture so that everyone could see that he was being watched while in the water.

Isn't he sooooo stinkin' cute?

Yeah, this is the life. Chillin'.


Saturday, June 30, 2007

Aiden 6 mo pictures

Mommy's little dancer

Alecia and Grandma Jean in their recital costumes. Grandma Jean is in her Dreamgirls costume and Alecia is in her ballet costume. Alecia was very excited that she and her Grandma were in the rectial together. She is hoping that the next rectial they will be on stage dancing together!

I have a cute story about this recital. During dress rehersal, when your class is not getting ready to go on stage you can sit in the auditorium and watch the others perform. Alecia was sitting out with some friends watching the performance with one of the adult classes. Alecia says, "Go Granny!" Her friend slapped her arm and told her it wasn't nice to make fun of the old people and that they were doing good. Alecia laughed and told her, "No, that really is my Grandma!"

This is the apprentice class doing their Hawaiian Christmas tap dance. This was featured in the afternoon showing of the recital. The girls did this performance at the Holt Tree Lighting.

This is the ballet class. They performed to Phantom of the Opera.

This is another picture of the apprentice company. They performed their class dance and was also a part of Finale. Their class dance was to Hit Me Up and Finale was to One Night Only.

Alecia in her hiphop costume. This class performed to This is Why I'm Hot.

Now this is just precious! Alecia is in her Tap costume and they performed to Gotta Lotta.

Jazz class which performed to So Excited. . .no not the Pointer Sisters song!

My beautiful ballarina!
