Ang-Blog Buzz

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Go Granny J!

It is a good thing this is a private blog!!!! Wow.

Mom (aka Jean. . .Granny J is her stage name.) took dance lessons at Karyn's Dance Place for the second year. This year she participated in the dance recital. She was very nervous but did a wonderful job and had a great time. This is her Dreamgirls costume which was the opening act of the rectial.

Ain't she pertty?

This is Granny J in her tap costume. If you scroll down you can see her in the costume during dress rehersal.

I had to write this one in red cuz she is HOT HOT HOT! This is the costume to her Jazz dance which was to Maneater by Nelly Furtato (sp?).

Dress rehersal, tap dance.

She's the hottie in the back!

"Yes, I KNOW I am good!"



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