Ang-Blog Buzz

Monday, November 13, 2006

It was Halloween!!!!! This is Dad's favorite holiday of the year. As you can see both of the kids chose differently in their costumes in past years. Alecia went from being a princess to something scary to a silly clown this year! Alec has been caught up in the superhero thing but this year his hero was Capital Jack Sparrow!!!

Monday, November 06, 2006

This is Alec's school picture this year. It was taken in September. He is big first grader!!!! He is learning how to read, do math, and read. . . did I mention he is learning to read? I am hoping to make him into a bookworm like myself and his sister!

This is Alecia's school picture this year. It was taken in September. She is in fifth grade and just too grown for her own good!

Alec played flag football this year though Holt Parks and Rec. His last game he caught an awesome pass during one play and got his first touchdown in another play. Of course, if this was tackle nobody would be able to bring my little powerhouse down!

. . . . And we have another football player!

WE HAVE A CHEERLEADER IN THE FAMILY!!!! Alecia cheered for the Holt Jr. Rams this year and really enjoyed it. She is trying out for the team again next year.

Alec absolutely loved the fairy boat ride over to Mackinaw Island! Alecia talked Dad into sitting in the "spray" area of the boat on the way back to the main land and this is how soaked she got! Alecia said she expected to see a fish in her lap with as much water that came into the boat.

The kids are enjoying the Tahquamenon Falls. Luckily we had been told by one of my co-workers prior to leaving on vacation that we could actually walk and play in the lower falls. We did not visit the upper falls due to mom's "condition" and the amount of stair climbing involved.

Alecia and Alec and experiencing a cruise through the Soo Locks. Alecia had just been on this in May but it was Alec's first time. He had a blast!!!!

I have been very bad at keep up on this blog. So, I have a lot to post. . . .

Here is Mark, Alecia, and Alec in Mackinaw City next to the bridge on the Lake Huron side. As a child my family always visited the west side of the state where there are sandy beaches and sandy lake bottoms. To my surprise, the East side of the state is nothing like that. Rocks! Rocks! and more Rocks!