Ang-Blog Buzz

Friday, December 15, 2006

Elbow Room

I guess I should explain why we call the baby Chalupa. Through-out most of this pregnancy I really wanted and could eat Chicken Chalupa Supremes from Taco Bell. Even when I was feeling sick to my stomach, I could eat a chalupa. I did check to make sure that chalupa was just a name of a food before I began using it too much. Would hate to be calling my kid some obscene name and not even know!

This ultra sound picture is also from 12/12. It is another favorite of mine. In this one you can see his forehead, eyes, nose, a bit of his mouth and his knees. Yes, those are his little knees almost touching his chin. Poor baby.


  • At December 18, 2006 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Its very exciting. Can't wait to see pictures of the pip squeek in more 3-dimentional, color forms. I am sure he will be just as adorable as his siblings.

    Hugs all around -



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