Ang-Blog Buzz

Friday, January 05, 2007

More pictures of Peanut!

Aiden is a wonderful baby.

We were discharged from the hospital on Friday, December 29. At discharge, Aiden was weighing 6 lbs 13 oz. He had his check up with the pediatrician on January 2 and was back up to 7 lbs 1 oz (guess he is eating well) and was 20 3/4 inches long. He was given the thumbs up by the pediatrician. I am sure when we go in for a weight check up on Jan 9 he will be beyond his birth weight of 7 lbs 5 oz.

I am ready to help change Aiden's diaper!
We even brought a pair of gloves home with us. Now that "glove boy" has seen what his baby brother's diapers look like, when it is time to change a diaper he runs in the other direction.

Checking out the baby and discussing that a baby has a soft spot.

Mom and her babies.

Alecia is a big sister again! What a pro.

Alec beginning his new role as "Big Brother" and loving every minute of it! (In mom's regular hospital room)

The wonderful delivery nurse put Peanut's foot prints on dad's arm. It was so stinkin' cute!

Daddy enjoying his new bundle of joy in the delivery room.

Grandma holding her new grandbaby in the delivery room.